Shipping & Delivery

Shipping MethodShipping TimeCosts
US Standard Shipping3-5 business days$5

Payment Methods
  • Payment is only made upon delivery of the order. You can pay for the order in the following ways:
    1. Cash on delivery
    2. Credit card on delivery (including Visa, Discover and Mastercard)
  • It normally takes 0-1 business days to process your order. 
  • If items are prepared in 24 hours in your order, then we can ship it in one day.
  • Shipment takes approximately 3 to 4 business days to reach destination countries.
  • Once your order is shipped out, an email notification with International e-packet tracking number will be sent to you.
  • Please note: Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
Data Privacy
  • All personal information provided by customers is confidential. We guarantee its use exclusively for the fulfillment of your order in our online store.